Dates are rich in nutrients and may even regulate your blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, it can improve bone health and help pregnant women. The sugar in Kurma Medjool is natural. People who suffer from low blood pressure use dates to raise their glucose levels instead of industrial sugars. Scientists consider dates to be one of the most valuable fruits known in the world. Each date contains about 20 calories and contains 2.8 milligrams of calcium and 5 grams of carbohydrates. Dates are also rich in antioxidants, of which tannins are the most important. These tannins prevent cell damage and protect against inflammation.
Dates are naturally rich in vitamins B6, A and K. Other minerals in dates such as calcium, iron, potassium, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and sulfur improve the general functioning of the body. These minerals are useful for metabolism and immune system function. Folate in dates is useful for pregnant women, and thiamine is beneficial for the nervous system.
Properties of dates for the skin
One of the benefits of dates is for the skin. Dates contain a large amount of vitamin C and vitamin D, two vitamins that are important for maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin tissue. Another benefit of dates for the skin is its anti-aging properties and prevention of melanin accumulation. By preventing the accumulation of melanin, dates can prevent spots on the skin.
Dates are rich in fiber
One of the basic needs for good health is getting enough fiber. By preventing constipation, fiber can also be beneficial for the health of the digestive system because it promotes regular bowel movements by helping to form stools. In addition, the fiber in dates can help control blood sugar. Fiber also slows down digestion and can prevent blood sugar from rising too much after eating. The fiber in dates can help dieters feel less hungry.