AUTHOR : datefruitexporter
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Dates are rich in potassium and are a good option if you have high blood pressure. Four dates are essentially sodium-free and contain approximately 700 milligrams of potassium, which provides 25 percent of the daily value. Potassium helps to reduce blood pressure by reducing tension in blood vessels. The American Heart Association recommends eating more […]
AUTHOR : datefruitexporter
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Dates are one of the fruits that provide the body with vitamins A, B, C, E along with minerals including phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium. Dates are effective to prevent high blood pressure and anemia to some extent and have antioxidant effects and neutralize stomach acid. Regulating blood coagulation, improving intestinal problems, reducing anxiety and […]
AUTHOR : datefruitexporter
COMMENTS : No Comments
One of the reasons people have high blood pressure is weight gain. In this condition, the diameter of the blood vessels increases. With its unique properties, dates reduce a person’s desire to eat sweet foods, keep him full for a longer period of time and slow down the digestion process. All these reasons can lead […]